The FEPMD is represented by an own flag:

The shamrock represents the co-operation of the current three powers: Dascunya, Estontetso, Feniz. 

The colours red and gold are taken from the Estontetsan and Fenizic flags.

The FEPMD High Commission and the two High Commissioners are using this standard at their office building and on their duty cars:

The commanders of the MPCZ WEST and EAST are using these standards:

The star is derived from tha Dascunyan flag.

The two Commissioners of the PCDA are using this standard:

The soldiers of the peacekeeping troops wear a red beret wit a golden badge:

The two doves symbolize the peace brought by the two nations, Estontetso and Feniz.


© Winfried Schroedter, David Subirats Vila. Last update 12 Jan 07 12:46. Impressum