These pages belong to the RPG/PBE game "Vexillium" from the "ImagiNations" group of games. They describe the fictional country "FEDERATED STATES OF DASCUNYA" on a fictional planet called "Vexillium".
The original pages of this country are © David Subirats Vila. They have been amended and automated (by javascript and css) by Winfried Schroedter in his property as trustee while the player is not active any more and a successor has not yet been determined.
The trusteeship has not yet, however, been authorized by the (Assistant) Planet Master or the other players. Insofar everything on these pages is provisional - even if it may be used, from case to case, in the game when it comes to Fenizic/Dascunyan interactions. |
New pages have been added by © Winfried Schroedter using the design and design elements developed by © David Subirats Vila.
The authors are not responsible for the contents of any pages linked from these pages.