- I. Your Job in X-Land
II. On Guard!
Keep Your
Keep Your
Eyes Open
Keep Your
Guard Up
What the
X-Landers think of the Sultanate
III. Background
Glimpse of
Why You Are
Fighting X-Land
IV. In Conclusion
V. Annex
Weights, and Measures
Whether you fight your war in, or march in to occupy
X-Land under armistice terms, you will be doing a
soldier's job on the soil of the enemy.
The occupation of X-Land will give you your chance to
build up a personal guarantee that as soon as you turn
your back to go home, the X-Lander will not pick up his
shooting irons and start throwing lead and lies at an
unsuspecting world once more. One of the greatest
challenges of the Peace to come is to make certain that
the X-Lander people will take their place as law-abiding,
useful citizens in the family of nations.
On X-Lander soil, you are expected to observe local
laws and regulations except as modified or amended by
your own military authority.
Local customs, especially those touching upon
religion, are to be given consideration and respect.
Respect property fights. Vandalism is inexcusable.
Rifling of orchards and fields and unauthorized
appropriation of food stores are contemptible and
punishable by court martial.
Remember that conquered and occupied nations will be
critically short of food. Depriving the people further
will create great hardship and in the end will cause
conditions that will make your own job a harder one.
It is always a strain on our supply lines to feed
people of occupied countries. Don't strain it further.
Don't belittle or be critical of fighting qualities of
their soldiers. By now you will have had a good
opportunity to judge just how good a fighting man the
enemy is. The point is, we don't like to kick people when
they are down.
There must be no fraternization. This is absolute!
Unless otherwise permitted by higher authority you will
not visit in X-Lander homes or associate with X-Landers
on terms of friendly intimacy, either in public or in
They must never be taken into your confidence.
This warning against fraternization doesn't mean that
you are to act like a sourpuss or military automaton.
Your aspect should not be harsh or forbidding. At home
you had minor transactions with many people. You were
courteous to them, but never discussed intimate affairs,
told them secrets, or gave them the benefit of your
confidence. Let that behaviour be your model now.
The X-Landers will be curious. They will be
interested. Their interest will be aroused by
observation. They will notice your superb equipment. They
will notice your high pay (high compared to the standards
of their own and other Longerath countries). They will
observe your morale and the magnificent spirit of
cooperation and mutual respect that exists in the Fenizic
Armed Forces. And they will ask questions about Feniz and
Fenizic life.
Within the limits of your instructions against
fraternization and intimacy, you can by your conduct give
them a glimpse of life in an aristocracy where no man is
master of another, where the only limit of success is a
man's own ability.
But don't argue. Don't try to convince them. If you
can plant the seed of your pride of your country and its
way of life, time and others will do the rest.
In the meantime your very presence on X-Lander soil
will serve as a constant demonstration to the X-Land
people, that the theory that sent them forth to bathe the
world in blood, was just so much tragic nonsense.
According to its own values, they should be occupying your
home town instead of your occupying their soil.
They didn't make their point.
You are in enemy country!
These people are not our allies or our
They are bound by military terms.
However friendly and repentant, however sick of the
warmaker party, the X-Landers have sinned against the
laws of humanity and cannot come back into the civilized
fold by merely sticking out their hands and saying-
"I'm sorry."
It is up to the people to prove they deserve a place
once more among respectable nations.
Don't forget that some time ago, a majority of the
X-Land people voted the warmaker party into
The X-Land people had all read the party leader's
book. They knew what the party leader meant to do to the
minorities and the world. This book told them and a
majority of them voted for the warmakers knowing this
would give the warmaker party absolute control, with the
leader as prime minister.
With the leader firmly entrenched in power the plan in
his book began to come true - the bullying of races, the
destruction of peaceful nations, the march toward world
conquest. And this gangster racket was enthusiastically
and energetically supported by the X-Lander people - as
long as it seemed to succeed. Remember the record.
You are not in X-Land, however, to carry a chip on
your shoulder or to brutalize the inhabitants. We are not
like the warmakers.
But you are not there on a good will errand either.
Even after a surrender, or the signing of an
armistice, keep your eyes open on X-Land soil. Be
Don't take chances.
You are in unfriendly territory. Your life may be in
more danger than it was during the battles. On the firing
line you kept your eyes open and your wits about you
every second. That is why you are alive today. You
cannot afford to relax caution now.
During the war, X-Land kept 500,000 trained killers at
home, a branch of the X-Land Secret Police.
With the defeat of X-Land what are left of these
500,000 will discard their uniforms and disappear into
the anonymity of civilian clothes. Many thousands of
other policemen and soldiers as well will do the same.
This will not make them less dangerous. It
will make them more dangerous. It will enable
them to strike in the dark.
Many will go "underground", and many will
insist they were anti-warmaker and anti-leader all the
You must remain an alert soldier.
Protect yourself at all times.
You have already found out by the hard way that war is
not a sport like football, or boxing, played under set
rules and ending with the call of "Time!"
In prize-fighting, when the bell rings to end the
round, only the careless fighter drops his bands. Even
then, if his opponent reaches over, clips him one on the
jaw and knocks him out, the victim can get justice and
relief from the referee. When he wakes up, he will find
that his treacherous foe has been disqualified.
The difference in war and the occupation that follows
war is that the fellow who drops his guard and gets
clipped, doesn't wake up.
X-Land hatred against Feniz has been concentrated by
education, propaganda, and the accuracy of the Air Force
bombardment. The X-Lander believes that had it not been
for Fenizic intervention, this time his old dream of
world conquest would have been realized.
So, keep your left out. Trust. no one but your own
Be on your guard particularly against young X-Landers
between the ages of 14 and 28.
Since the leader came to power, X-Land youth has been
carefully and thoroughly educated for world conquest,
killing, and treachery.
One of the things in which we take pride in Feniz is
the spirit of sportsmanship, decency, and fair play
instilled into our boys during their education.
Most young Fenizics hate a bully, despise a snitch,
and have nothing but contempt far a double-crosser.
In school you learned from your teachers and from the
other kids that it wasn't smart to pick on a little guy,
or tell tales. When you played games you were taught to
fight to the last whistle no matter how big the score
against you: you learned not to cheat and that if you
couldn't win fairly, then you took your licking like a
man and shook bands with the man who beat you.
You learned that these rules were good ones to take
into life with you when school was over, that you
belonged to a community of free men with all the rights
and privileges inherent in an aristocracy, that the
loyalty you gave to your government was loyalty to a
country governed by representatives of your own chosing.
You know that to be born free and equal meant that you
were no better and no worse than anyone else but that you
would have a decent chance to prove your abilities in
fair competition.
Since years, the X-Land boy has been taught
deliberately the exact opposite.
You have heard the quotation - "Just as the twig
is bent, the tree's inclined." It means that every
man is the product of his early education, during his
impressionable years.
The young X-Lander, through his most impressionable
years, has been taught that the strong are entitled to
pick on and destroy the weak, that it is noble to squeal
on a pal, or even snitch on a member of one's own family,
that if you can win by cheating it's just as good as
winning any other way, that a promise or word of honor
given is to be kept only as long as it suits its purpose
and can be broken at any time.
He has been taught to torture and stand torture. He
has been told over and over again that he is a member of
a master race and that all other peoples are his
inferiors and designed to be his slaves.
He has learned to sacrifice everything, himself, his
family, even his wife, for the leader and the warmaker
party. Re has only one fanatical loyalty and that is to
the leader. And it will make no difference whether the
leader is alive or dead. The fanaticism to the
leaders ideal of master race conquest and rule will
He will not change overnight when the Armistice is
signed and the shooting stops. He won't be converted
immediately in the towns and villages you occupy behind
the lines as you advance into X-Land.
The X-Land youth is a nice looking chap, much like the
average fellow you grew up with back home. You may ask
yourself how a guy who looks pretty much like one of us
could believe and do all the things we know he believed
and did. The difference is inside him - in his character.
For your own safety and the safety of your comrades never
for an instant forget that he is the victim of the
greatest educational crime in the history of the world.
From childhood, in all his schools, he has heard one
teaching: that force, ruthlessness, and blind obedience
to the leader will carry him and the X-Land people to a
position of dominance over all other peoples of the
Vexillium. By hearing this doctrine constantly repeated
throughout his formative years, he has come firmly to
believe in it.
Action according to such teaching, silly as it sounds,
is a habit with X-Lander youth today. You must be
prepared to recognize it.
Other Fenizic representatives, when the peace is made,
will concern themselves with the cure for the X-Land
disease - to destroy forever the X-Land physical power
and will to attempt world conquest. Your own duty is to
be aware of the facts and to protect yourself at all
Now that you are on foreign soil, you should know that
marriage to a foreign girl is a complicated procedure. In
any case, you cannot marry without the authorization of
your commanding officer. Even with this permission, you
would have difficulty getting your wife back to the
Sultanate, since there are no provisions for transporting
dependents during wartime, nor are there likely to be for
a long time to come.
Let your attitude be:
Firm -
Fair -
Aloof -
and above all,
Aware of the things this booklet has tried to
tell you, so that the honest mistakes of an older
generation may not be repeated, and so that, to apply to
legendary Sultan L'in-coln's words to the fallen men of
our armed forces in this war, "These dead shall not
have died in vain."
For use of
Military Personnel only. Not to be republished in whole
or in part, without the consent of the Beglerbeg
Prepared by