22. Mai 1945
22 May. Mood catastrophic. Some Landser rediscover their former communist sentiments and want to " slay officers with truncheons". Volksdeutsche distance themselves, threaten denunciations. An Austrian suddenly no longer wants to be a German. This unrest was triggered by an order from the Russian to shave the prisoners' heads for hygienic reasons, like the Soviet soldiers wear. This intention caused tremendous indignation among the Germans, almost bordering on revolt. At first glance, such an excessive reaction seemed incomprehensible. But behind it must lie the dawning realisation that a prolonged imprisonment was now imminent after all. The disappointed hope of a quick release, the uncertain fate of the prisoners, the lost war cause a mental strain in the physically exhausted soldiers, which manifests itself in a variety of reactions. The prisoners are as sensitive as sick people. They try to get home after all, or at least to ease their lot, by cajoling the Russians. The negative sides of the German people's character begin to reveal themselves.
We are told that we are captured officers without rank. This touches me little. The only painful thing is the thought of our loved ones at home and the mutual uncertainty about our fate.
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