27. April 1946
27 & 28 Apr. 400 g bread, 40 g sugar, 800 g bran. The cases of water distrophy increase. First cases of disturbed vision and total blindness at night. Some of us search the forest - the camp extends into a forest - for all edible weeds and green plants. Wild carrot, yarrow, shepherd's purse, chickweed, nettle, dandelion and plain grass. Purpose: vitamin supplementation and stomach filling to eliminate the feeling of hunger. They then cook the stuff like spinach and eat it or add it to their lunchtime soup. Some cook themselves a kind of jam out of alder, lime leaves and sugar. Once they caught a young thrush and made a meat garnish out of it. Frogs are also eaten in increasing numbers. Birch trees are tapped and the sap drunk. The inventiveness in this field is amazing, but this supplementary food is not without danger, for in the greedy search for edible herbs many a poisonous plant has got in the way and caused poisoning. One of us suffered a near-fatal poisoning and only miraculously recovered. - Those who suffer most from our lack of food are the formerly well-fed paymasters and base wallahs. - I myself have never eaten such greens. I even weigh 118 pounds (59 kg) again.
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