8. November 1943

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Editorial 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 Epilog Anhang

Table Of Contents

January February March April May June July August September October November December Eine Art Bilanz Gedankensplitter und Betrachtungen Personen Orte Abkürzungen Stichwort-Index Organigramme Literatur Galerie:Fotos,Karten,Dokumente


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

Erfahrungen i.d.Gefangenschaft Bemerkungen z.russ.Mentalität Träume i.d.Gefangenschaft

Personen-Index Namen,Anschriften Personal I.R.477 1940–44 Übersichtskarte (Orte,Wege) Orts-Index Vormarsch-Weg Codenamen der Operationen im Sommer 1942 Mil.Rangordnung 257.Inf.Div. MG-Komp.eines Inf.Batl. Kgf.-Lagerorganisation Kriegstagebücher Allgemeines Zu einzelnen Zeitabschnitten Linkliste Rotkreuzkarte Originalmanuskript Briefe von Kompanie-Angehörigen

Meseritz Karte — map
Grenadier Replacement Battailon 477
Division 433

Gren.Repl.Regt. 543

Impressions from the Meseritz infantery barracks
Impressions from the Regenwurm camp near Meseritz

••• S. 153; ein Montag •••I'm with the replacement unit in Meseritz.[1] On the first day I go to the prescribed medical examination. As I step into the waiting room, I see Sergeant Gartschock sitting on the bench. He looks at me a little uncertainly at first, because we haven't seen each other since the time of occupation in Jasło, and I have become a lieutenant in the meantime, so he doesn't quite know how to greet me. I quickly take away the embarrassment from this sympathetic comrade and greet him warmly as I did when we were sergeants together. I learn from him that Lance Corporal Neuhaus, a beer driver from Berlin, is also here. The poor fellow has lost an eye. After the examination, I immediately go to his room to greet him as well. He tells me that almost half the company, the old bunch from the first summer of the advance, has gathered here. They had all been wounded in the course of the Russian offensive, and are now gradually arriving here again after their convalescent leave has expired. One of Neuhaus' group does not come back: his gunner, a narrow-cheeked, pale, genuine Berliner. During a defence against a Russian attack, the mortars also fired. The comrade wanted to fire too quickly. He loaded the next grenade before the first had left the barrel. There was a barrel burst in which he was killed. Sergeant Brüggemann had also fallen. He was supposed to go on leave shortly before an expected Russian attack. But he stayed because he wanted to fight off this attack together with his comrades first. He then fell in this battle.[2] The battalion commander, Major Glaser, also fell in this fighting during the Russian Donets offensive. When a Russian tank approached his bunker, he jumped out and ran towards the tank with a hand grenade. But before he reached it, he was struck down by its machine gun.[3]

I can only thank my fate that, back then, I was wounded already on the second day of the offensive and in this way escaped the terrible fighting that followed.

I wanted Carola to come to Meseritz for a few days and have already reserved a hotel room by the station. Carola would like us to get married just prior to my secondment to the front. But before she gets here, my secondment order has already arrived.

— next date →

Editorial 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 Epilog Anhang

January February March April May June July August September October November December Eine Art Bilanz Gedankensplitter und Betrachtungen Personen Orte Abkürzungen Stichwort-Index Organigramme Literatur Galerie:Fotos,Karten,Dokumente

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

Erfahrungen i.d.Gefangenschaft Bemerkungen z.russ.Mentalität Träume i.d.Gefangenschaft

Personen-Index Namen,Anschriften Personal I.R.477 1940–44 Übersichtskarte (Orte,Wege) Orts-Index Vormarsch-Weg Codenamen der Operationen im Sommer 1942 Mil.Rangordnung 257.Inf.Div. MG-Komp.eines Inf.Batl. Kgf.-Lagerorganisation Kriegstagebücher Allgemeines Zu einzelnen Zeitabschnitten Linkliste Rotkreuzkarte Originalmanuskript Briefe von Kompanie-Angehörigen

  1. probably Grenadier Replacement Battalion 477
    It is not possible to determine where exactly the author was that week. In Meseritz was the infantry barracks since 1938 (the Border Infantry Regiment 122 was initially quartered here, but probably – based on a picture postcard – also the until April 1944 Grenadier-Ersatz-Bataillon 477, responsible for the author's regiment), nearby (possibly from 1936) the Regenwurm camp which housed many different units (including the Artillery Replacement Battalion 257, documented in 1939 by field post, and the Infantry/Grenadier Replacement Battalion 188, documented in 1939 by field post, from 1942 by LdW and in 1944 by the author, as well as a large number of foreign legionnaires: prv.pl/historia.php Walloons, Tajiks, Uzbeks as well as Indians, Persians and Arabs), and finally the RAD camps Pieske (RAD-Abt. 9/84), Hochwalde-Nord (also called Engelgrund, RAD-Abt. 8/84), Hochwalde-Süd (RAD-Abt. K 10/86) and Hochwalde-See. Source: Heimatkreis Meseritz
  2. At Gräbersuche online one finds a Oberfeldwebel Alfred Brüggemann who died on 23. 08.1943 in Permoga (Перемога?).
  3. "The Kdr. of I./Inf.Rgt. 477, Major Glaser, fell as he threw himself, pistol in hand, towards the tanks overrunning his command post" (Uffz. Schulz, 14th /Inf.Rgt. 477, in Benary p. 134), apparently on 21 July 1943 in Sawodskoje.